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Who Wrote Interview Rules?

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Basic question and no answer! Nobody will never give you answer on this but almost everyone will ask a ton of stupid questions on it. So annoying and the same template what used by 99% of companies and interviewers. Tell me what is OOP, sort an array for me, how you will use patterns? How much experience you have and on what projects you work before, what problems you meet on your previous projects? You know, we need guy who have 5+ years of experience and create high load projects but we will use own stack because we know better than you what we need. Many of them search for a guy who will make a job what cover several different positions but will pay like for a one and do magic with overtime. Blah, blah, blah... Typical same questions and typical same answers, most of this just googled and interpreted on own vision of theory. And they can even open a dispute with you because they think you are not right in your interpretation of theory. You can take any of job in IT area where you need test something or write code and not important what language is it or what you will do - same template, same topic, same questions, same answers and they wanna what you just agree with all what they said. And then they said "we wanna have a next meeting with you and our tech guy", and then next one - it can be 4 meeting even. Good job they said to you, we will ready give you an offer if you just tell some kind of shitty theory and write a couple line of codes. Some of questions what they asked you - just things what you will never use in they job proposition. At the end they will tell you how interesting and unique they project but in real life just one more typical ecommerce, bank or B2B, B2C solution. Sometimes they can said to you what you don't know anything and bad in theory at all. Even if you understand what you don't wanna answer on strange questions what never used in real life projects or they project by they description. Ha-ha-ha. So funny. I am tired of this, really. Here is some advice for interviewers. I just wanna tell you my vision on all of this. All this templates is so old and not working already (yes you will find people who will agree with this templates, but really good one with they own point of view and creative minds - never accept this). This is just spending your and their time. In case when you need a guy who write some code by your wishes - just give him a chance, give him a real small case or task from your daily work on project. Say "you need to do this and then try to discuss with us why you write code here like that and choose this one solution" that is all. Maybe pay him for this code, it depend by how much code he need to write and how big task it is. Yes, this is totally fine and time of everyone has a price. And if you really like him - give him a job with probation. Same way for QA for example or similar job - give a real life case on your project. Anyway in 2021 just asking theory from "top 10 questions on interview" or whatever - totally nonsense on my vision. Grow up your lvl and an approach, don't stuck in stereotype rules. Be more simple! Yes, you will pay money for a work, and you need good people who know what they should do. But please, choose right people who will make an interview and ask only for what you really need, and not make it boring quiz - don't spend your and time of people who was interviewed. And please don't give HR to write job proposition if they don't know what they write and not do this by own vision if you are not much tech. ;) Image from programmerhumor.io