Have you ever meet on your working experience people who are so lazy and don't know what responsibilities and things they should do, but think what they are smart and make a illusion of work?
I was meet some kind of this people and working in team with this kind of people is very difficult, because all team will be unbalanced and get big problems on they decisions or things what they are doing. Better if this unprofessional people are doing some part of they work, but much bad if they not do even a 20% of they work and not interested on improving this. More than that - they can ask you to do they part of job. And if this people have some kind of lead position it will call a lot of problems where other people who doing they job or try to work hard will never be happy to work with such kind of leader and never be promoted or get good bonuses. Bad if people who really work a lot can't even get day off without any additional questions. This is totally not fair but who interested on it?
Described things for people who work a lot make them angry and nervous. Funny thing what all kind of your work with your discipline and good decisions will not make your life better in carrier for such kind of team, it will promote unprofessional lead person like a good leader but in real deal many these things was done by you because YOU are just responsible and conscientious person what think about project profits for owner and search for a better solutions or work process improvements. And your can't change anything of this because you are good guy (even if you often use the profanity - for my vision this is totally fine) who try never offend anyone. So you will continue work like before and try to change something small because believe what something changes in future but in real - it will not, and you understand this but wanna believe. Sometimes you can say "we can't work like this, this is bad teamwork" and get response like "this is how we work, but tell us what is wrong and we try to change this". And what sense of this question if they will not change anything? So all will continue work like they work and nobody will got punished for they such kind of work, but from that moment you can be toxic for they now and somebody who know what you said can start hate you even if he don't say it to you. And all of this sometimes make you blow and use bad words and sometimes drop all work and on other side you calm down until next one blow up.
All this will call your mental problems 100%. And I know what many of DEV's have this, not only Dev's even... And can call burnout. Sad, but on my own experience I still not met great team with full of professional and kind people, who interested in project and team work. I was meet people who really try to do they job and try to work in team, but in a big count this is two from 10 persons and they will be not happy too but can be quiet about this to anyone. I wanna believe what not all companies have this problems, but I worked a lot with those who have that kind of problems.
P.S. If somebody read this, worked with me before or will work and think what I talk about you - don't be angry on me and do not take personally, this is just topic about working process and not about personal life. And I am not super professional, but always try to do my job and improve something, learn something.

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